첨성대와 테크놀로지 녹여낸 DMC상징조형물

최첨단 미디어 상징 조형물 ‘밀레니엄 아이’공개
라펜트l손미란 기자l기사입력2010-11-09

DMCsymbolic sculpture 'Millennium kids'the 13months to put together to finish the production period of ninedays has finally kicked tent.


DMConly neighborhood park located in Kowloon, the western entrance which is open 'Millennium kids'media and

Technology has shaped the development. works of modern media technology, scientific and philosophical departure from the past into the future and the fact that the connection is symbolic.


'Millennium kids'forms, such as the Cheomseongdae threemore sculptures in harmony consists the excellence of science and technology was expressed by contemporary visual language.


World Square is a 12two LEDlines crossing the diameter 30m in size sculpture of a discus nine trillion text messages·video LEDscreen is implemented. Global Eye is a large LCDon the other side of the Earth Uruguay, the sky is shown in real time, the height above 23mmedia Millennium Cell is found a statue of a sculpture is finished.


Millennium Cell(left)and the World Square


The author has produced landmark yibaegyeong "science and civilization of ancient Korea as a historic relics representing the contemporary visual language to express Cheomseongdae modern media technologies is linked to the past and the future was made manifest, "he said. 


Investment Promotion Division, Seoul Hongcheon area the "DMCdomestic and foreign tourists to visit the advanced digital technology with added attractions will be offered, along with the world's tallest landmark building DMCbugakhal landmark to symbolize that, "said said.

손미란 기자  ·  라펜트
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관련키워드l밀레니엄아이, DMC, 조형물

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